“Move Over! It’s the Law”

As we go through life’s busy rush cycles, we often tend to do just that, “rush.” We have to get places faster make sure we don’t miss that next one-of-a-time opportunity that awaits us, but in all of the hustle-and-bustle it’s common for us to sacrifice one of the most important things: “safety!” We might not notice a situation on the side of the road because of the many little distractions life throws at us, or we might think, “oh, those people on the side of the road have got plenty of room.” But what would you think if someone flew by 4 feet from your door at speeds upwards of 70 mph? Probably nothing good… Now just think about all of the hard workers out there, whether that be construction workers, or an just a police officer performing their duties. This is often their life every day. Their vehicles are practically their second home. So please, do them (and yourself) a favor, and pay attention, slow down, and move over when necessary. Who knows? That just might be your friend or family member ahead of you on the side of the road. And if not, they’re definitely someone’s. So drive safe, IT’S THE LAW!